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Slide The transnational
culture network
C-City –
Europe is next door

What is C-City? .

The project:
Realising creative ideas and creating a European network: This is the cultural project C-City – Europe is next door. The C-Cities are Gütersloh (Germany), Châteauroux (France), Broxtowe (UK), Falun (Sweden) and Grudziądz (Poland). From 2025, they want to implement projects together every year – in individual actions and cities, but also in several places at the same time. For the C-Cities click here.

Who can take part?
All citizens from the C-Cities who want to creatively support the European idea. Whether alone, as an association, as a group or in organisations: Anyone with an idea can apply. If you are interested or require further information, please contact or

How is the collaboration realised?
Through musical and artistic exchanges and joint projects, annual conferences, workshops, meetings, lectures, digital communication platforms, personal commitment, volunteer work, synchronisation of work results.

What are the main topics?
The project currently focuses on six thematic areas for cultural, tourism, sports and urban projects. These are: Visual arts, nutrition and lifestyle, sport, history and customs, music, youth parliament. Among other things, there may be activities in the areas of theatre, dance, film, music, literature, science, business and cultural policy. Click here for the project ideas.

What has already happened?
A kick-off conference in Gütersloh in 2022 with participants from the C-Cities became a think tank. These ideas were further honed at a second planning meeting in Châteauroux in 2023. Among other things, a joint cookbook was created as a pilot project and is currently being realised. The book brings all five cities together, presenting dishes and food from the regions, people and their stories.

The goal:
The C-City network is intended to show that medium-sized European cities also have an impact when it comes to culture. But it’s not just about culture. C-City is also a contribution to peace work by making us aware of our identity and our responsibility as Europeans through joint actions. To the charter.

You can find a detailed description of the C-City idea as a film here and as a brochure here.
Listen to the official C-Cities song here.

Upcoming Events: .

C-City Konferenz

Seit 2022 treffen sich die C-City Partnerstädte jedes Jahr in einer der Städte zur gemeinsamen Konferenz mit Workshops, Vorträgen, Podien und natürlich Kultur. Im Jahr 2025 lädt das schwedische Falun die Delegationen der Partnerstädte zu sich ein.

Find out more
03 June 2025
Falun, Falun, Sweden
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C-City Music Night

Die C-City Music Night 2025 in Gütersloh präsentiert Bands aus den vier europäischen Partnerstädten Broxtowe, Châteauroux, Falun und Grudziadz auf einer Bühne. Neben Workshops am Nachmittag erwartet Sie am Abend ein Konzert, das musikalische Vielfalt und kulturelle Verbundenheit zelebriert. Zum […]

Find out more
14 June 2025
Gütersloh, Gütersloh, Germany
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Schwedische Küchen-Highlights – „C-City – Wir sind dabei!“

In einem Kochkurs werden Gerichte aus der schwedischen Partnerstadt Falun nachgekocht, die im C-City Kochbuch „Cooking and Culture!“ erschienen sind.

Find out more
14 June 2025
Villa, Hohenzollernstraße 45
Gütersloh, Nordrhein-Westfalen 33330 Germany
+ Google Map

C-City – Die Kunst Europa

Von September bis Oktober 2025 präsentiert die Stadt Gütersloh eine Gruppenausstellung im Foyer der Stadthalle. Künstler*innen aus den C-City Partnerstädten zeigen ihre individuellen Perspektiven auf ihre Heimat, Europa und ihr künstlerisches Schaffen. Bis zu 50 Werke laden das Publikum dazu […]

Find out more
02 September 2025
Stadthalle Gütersloh, Friedrichstraße 10
Gütersloh, Nordrhein-Westfalen 33330 Germany
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Kunstausstellung der Partnerstädte

Das Kulturprojekt „C-City – Europa liegt nebenan“ vernetzt europäische Städte und ihre kulturellen Identitäten durch die universelle Sprache von Kunst und Kultur. In diesem Rahmen bietet das Amateur Art Project den Bürger*innen der fünf C-Cities eine digitale Plattform, um ihre […]

Find out more
06 September 2025
Serpil-Neuhaus-Galerie, Hohenzollernstraße 35
Gütersloh, 33330 Germany
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